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Tim Yeo is a designer, leader and chief introvert at The Quiet Achiever (TQA). Best known for saying complex things simply.
18 years a designer, design leader. 40 years an introvert.
Like you, I struggled to manage my introversion.
For years, I read self-help books on public speaking. I modeled social butterflies at networking events. I watched in awe as company leaders delivered speeches effortlessly.
Mostly, it didn't work.
When it did work, I was exhausted pretending to be someone else. It always felt unnatural.
Maybe there was something wrong with me. Maybe I wasn't good enough.
There had to be a better way.
I did not realise it at the time. But I took the best of what I learned. I stopped pretending and started practicing, making those techniques my own.
Which brings us to The Quiet Achiever.
Maybe you are tired of keeping quiet in meetings even though you have something to say.
Perhaps you wish you were better at networking and didn't find it awkward and embarrassing.
Or maybe you just wish you were more visible in your organisation because you know how have something value to say; if only people heard you.
There is a better way; and you don't have to do it alone.
Welcome to The Quiet Achiever.
It's free.